Post Your Resumes


More and more recruiters that are associated with us search for potential candidates online on variety of leading job portals. Additionally, recruiters use different types of filters to look for the deserving candidates that they require. With our resume posting service, we give an extraordinary opportunity to candidates to come in the eye of employers.

By posting your resume, you become a part of our centralized database that we search on regular basis for diverse recruitment opportunities. With our resume posting service, we provide assistance to job seekers by distributing their resume to niche organizations, along with posting the resume to multiple websites and databases.

Benefits of Posting Your Resume with Us
  • High degree of visibility of the resume as a large of number of organizations may look to your resume.
  • Post your resume as per your job category and industry as well as based upon your interest.
  • Once you post your resume, you will be able to login and check the status of resume, the number of downloads for resume and etc.
Upload Resume